Wow, so it's been a while since I've done any kind of posting and I figured I should probably make up for it. I don't know how long my series of posts will be but at least they will give everyone an update on the Jeppson's. :)
Kyle and I didn't do Easter baskets for each other this year. I thought about doing it but then I knew that my parents would give us a bunch of candy anyways and I figured we didn't need any more sweets. We went over to my parents house after church and did an Easter egg hunt there before we went up to my Grandma Frost's house for dinner. It was Mckay's first Easter and she was all dressed up cute for it.
My brother Josh and I - in a picture that he's actually not pulling a face in - Amazing! |
Me and Kay. |
Mckay in her cute outfit - I love the look on her face. It's like, yeah, I know I'm a cutie. |
I love the ears Julia got for her although they didn't stay on her very well. Only long enough for this picture basically. |
Heather and I. |
She found an egg! |
My honey and I. Lol, I love how in these types of pictures I'm always looking up and he's always slouching/looking down cause he's so tall. Hahaha. |
Well, at Grandma's house all of us older kids got to hide the candy and eggs for the younger ones and that was fun. It was a really nice Easter. :)
You are so beautiful. I LOVE the picture at the end of you and Kyle. :)