Thursday, May 10, 2012

One Year of Wedded Bliss :)

 I can't believe that one whole year has gone by since I married the love of my life. Honestly, I just can't believe that much time has passed already. But, it's been absolutely amazing :) We wanted to do something special for our very first anniversary. Kyle planned most of it and since I am a girl who loves surprises, I told him not to tell me what he had planned. :) 

He didn't tell me either. He told me to take Monday and Tuesday off work and that was about it. Then, after a leisurely breakfast on monday morning, we got our stuff packed and got in the car. Kyle had told me it would take about a half hour to get where we were going and so I was guessing we were going back to Armstrong Mansion in Salt Lake City. That's where we spent the first night of our Honeymoon. However, when we got in the car we started driving towards Morgan. Now, at this point I was like, ok, we're going the back way to Park City. And we were in no hurry. :) No deadline, I love it! 
Well we stopped at many places along the way. We actually went through Morgan and up past Little Dell Reservoir and into Salt Lake through Emmigration Canyon. It was way nice! I've never been through that canyon I don't think. I've put some pics up of us doing different poses. The one complaint was that it was VERY windy and the wind made it quite chilly, as you can probably tell from some of the photos. :)
 There was a monument on top of Big mountain and I hid behind it to get out of the wind :)
 It was still very, very windy. :) But it's a beautiful view into Salt Lake Valley. This is the view the Mormon Pioneers would have had actually when they came to Utah.
 Me next to the Mormon Pioneer Trail sign.

 When we came out of the canyon what did we see? Why the Zoo of course!!! LOL I had forgotten that the Zoo was at the mouth of this canyon. So, Kyle and I decided to go to the Zoo because neither of us had been in soo long. I'll just put a bunch of animal pics in here now.

We saw the Elephants almost right off (we did see some monkeys before). I love the pic of Kyle standing next to the big elephant. And the baby elephant to the right was super cute. :)

This was a really good shot of the Rhino through the glass. 
I though so anyways. :)

They are so tall and this is how they get fed. I thought it was way cool to watch them pull the hay out with their trunks. Their trunks really are their hands!
The baby monkey was just too cute!

 "Timone" playing peek-a-boo with us. :) Plus a baby giraffe!
 The peacock was showing off for us. Or... maybe it was for the girl peacock that was hiding around the tree......;)
 Kyle is about the same as a female gorilla!
I fall a little short, hahah. 

Oh! I forgot. I got Kyle tickets to a Demolition Derby this month as part of his Anniversary present.
 Hahaha he's totally cheesing this one up.
 This bigger part of his gift though was a Camp Chef!!! He's been wanting one for when we go tent camping. It just so happens we'll be using it at the end of this month when we go up to Flaming Gorge. However, I had the idea before I knew that! :) He also got me a beautiful sunflower necklace but I haven't taken a pic of it yet so maybe I will put one up later.
 Here's just a random pic of us. :)
 Later that night, after we went to Rodizio's Brazilian grill for dinner (YUM), we went up to the capitol building and walked around and took some pictures. Kyle was stalling because as I later found out, the hotel was putting rose petals and sparking cider and hersey's kisses in our room. My husband is way too sweet to me but I love him!
Awwww... We're so cute. LOL. You all are probably getting sick of
 reading this.

Ok, so the next morning we went to the Gateway and walked around while we were waiting for the other surprise Kyle got me. Kyle had an engineering moment at the Discovery Museum :). 
Then we went and got a Couple's Massage!!! It was amazing. We had a sample of hot stone massage thrown in too and I was so relaxed afterwards. :) He's the best husband ever!!! After that we went up to Park City and had some lunch and just wandered around the outlet mall for a while before heading home. It was a very fun and relaxing get-a-way for us.

I'm so happy I'm married to Kyle. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better husband!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Garden!!!

Kyle and I have been working on getting our garden in since last summer and now this spring we finnally have one planted!!! Yay!! I'm so excited to see how well it does. This was a pretty huge project too because we didn't originally have a plot for a garden. We had to tear up all of the sod ourselves and that was basically all we were able to do last summer. Well, we did till it and we did put in railroad ties on two of the four sides before it started snowing. We finished putting in the railroad ties on the other two sides this spring as soon as the ground thawed enough.
Then, because we now have Leo, our puppy, we decided we had better put some sort of fence around the garden otherwise we wouldn't have and kind of garden once Leo was done playing in ti, LOL. So we bought some hog panel and some T-posts and put up a fence. We even made a gate that clips to the chain link fence and swings quite nicely if I do say so myself.

There's my honey tilling the garden to soften up the dirt so we can finally plant!!!

 These are our nice rows we made. :) We're going to try planting quite a few varieties of things but there won't be too large of quantities until we figure out what will grow well and what we like the best. Then maybe we'll have to change what we're planting. We're gonna do two full rows of corn but we're going to plant them about two weeks apart so we can have corn all summer long. Yay!!!


Ok, so I was wanting to paint something one day and we had a ton of rocks on the side of our house and I thought, perfect, I'll paint those. I had seen on Pinterest that someone had done this for their garden and I thought that I would steal their idea and do it for my garden. I had a lot of fun making them even though I might have made a spelling mistake.... can you find it? I also had to add three more rocks that aren't shown here. 

Here's the finished product with the rocks all in the garden. If you look closely, I don't know if you can see them here, we even have some plants up!!