It's October and that means.... Hunting season!!! Elk hunting in particular. :) It was Kyle's first time going hunting and I was excited to see how he would like it. :) We took our trailer and Josh (brother) and Mike (brother-in-law) also slept in the trailer with us. It was really warm which was great! I mean, I love tent camping and normally I prefer it to trailer camping but I love having a trailer during a cold hunt. The furnace is a wonderful thing when you're freezing. :)
So we went in on a friday morning and it was crazy. The weather had been horrible and so the roads were waaaayyyy muddy. Kyle was really nervous getting the truck and trailer into the camp spot - we were sliding all over the place. He did a great job though. I was proud of him. :)
Cute pic of me and my hubby freezing in the camp ground.
Very cold four wheeler ride to the top of the mountain.... BRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Kyla waving hi. :)
My cousin Aubrea and I were the only girls that went hunting this year. Neither one of us had a tag but we just like going anyways :)
The forest was really pretty covered in snow. Cold, but really pretty. I love it when it's like this, especially when you can ride a four wheeler through it.
Kyle all ready for hunting in his cold-weather gear. :)
The boys. Well, some of them. Kyle's sitting down on the ground on the left, my brother Josh is standing up, and my brother-in-law Mike is sitting down on the log. Good picture of the boys. Except maybe for the toilet paper up Mike's nose.... LOL.
Mike started getting a cold up there and so he stuck toilet paper up his nose to deal with his runny nose because he didn't want to have to keep wiping his nose. LOL. I just had to get a picture of it cause it's funny. :)
Here's my Poppy! Him and I were waiting while Josh and Kyle got into place up the canyon before we started hiking up the canyon to try and push the elk toward the boys.
Kyle's looking hard for those elk. :)
The sunrise was really pretty that last morning.
Do do do do do do do.... The waiting game.... :)
Unfortunately, nobody got an elk this weekend. We had a couple sightings and a couple close almosts but didn't leave with an elk. But, that's hunting for you. And I think that Kyle enjoyed the experience and will want to go again next year.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Photos from "catch up"
Ok so here are a bunch of pictures for my "catch up" post. I'll just give a brief description because I think I covered most of it already :)
We built a fort in our family room downstairs one night and made ourselves nachos and popcorn and watched a movie. :) It was pretty fun and I must say I can make a mean fort lol.
We've been doing a lot of yard work with our house and this is me trimming back the box woods that are in front of our house - they were pretty massive before.
When we went camping with Kyle and his family we got to go see a cool old mine. I got as close as I could without giving Kyle a heart attack LOL. Not really but it probably wouldn't have been a good idea to go inside anyways.
We rode to the top of a mountain on the four wheelers. This is a pic of Kyle's parents - doesn't it look like they're standing on the very edge? They aren't really but it looks cool.
We also did some shooting while we were up there.
This is a pic of me with my niece - Julia & Mike's daughter Mckay. Ignore how ugly I look - I didn't get ready that day.
We bought a 2007 jeep and we love it. This is the first time we took it on a dirt road. Got it all nice and dusty. :D
We took a trip up to Boise for my friend Camille's homecoming. We stopped in Idaho Falls for lunch and stopped at this bridge for a picture moment.
Camille and I! I really missed that girlie! :)
That's all for the catch up photos. Hopefully now I'll be able to keep up with the blog. By the way, this is just a generic blog background. You bloggers out there - How do I make my blog cute?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Catch up
Ok, so this is basically just gonna be me catching everyone up on our life - sorry, no pictures (unless I add them later.)
Since we got married, my sister Julia had her baby girl - they named her Mckay and she's the cutest thing you've ever seen. :) I really need to get a picture of her up here. I will try. She is just over 2 months old now and is smiling. :) Actually I do have a picture I can put on here - this was taken yesterday when we had friends stop by on their way through town.
This was at sandridge park. Left to right we have Janiel and her 3 month-old baby Jackson, then my sister Julia and 2 month-old Mckay, then my friend Kaylynn and her 1 month-old baby Brenda and then me. Kaylynn and Janiel are sisters and both of our families practically grew up together. Janiel lives in Fort Collins, Colorado and Kaylynn in Whitier, California so I don't get to see them often. In these picture though, I totally felt like I was the odd one out, LOL. Kyle and I aren't planning on having kids for a while longer though, although I did tease him about it :).
Ok, we've also been camping and four wheeling a couple of times this summer. One time we went four wheeling with my mom and dad and Heather and we borrowed Kyle's parents' four wheelers. Kyle scared the crap out of me cause he rolled his four wheeler in the parking lot before we even started lol. He was ok and so was the bike, luckily. It was a fun trip.
We've also been trying to decorate the house and do a bunch of stuff to our yard. We took out a bunch of big rocks on the north side of our house a while back cause we didn't want them there - they were really randomly placed anyways. So, we took out the rocks and leveled the ground but then we've had a big old dirt spot in our front yard because we didn't have any sod to put over it. We also took a bunch of ugly orange rocks out of the front flower beds - we still need to get some dirt though to fill in the flower beds though because they are sloped towards the house which isn't good.
Our latest big project was removing the sod from the backyard where we are planning on putting our garden - we won't be able to plant anything this year but we're getting it all ready for next spring. I'll put some pictures up in the next post. We were able to fill in our dirt spot in the front yard though with some of the sod from the backyard. Yay! Now we just have to keep it watered and hope it makes a good comeback. Loading all the extra sod into the truck bed was no fun. It was hard work. Unloading it was so much easier - geezzz. lol.
Ok, well, I'm sure there's more.....Oh!! My good friend Camille Kalkman came back from her mission the end of July so we got to go to Boise, Idaho for her homecoming. I really missed that girl and I was super happy to see her. :) I hope I'll get to see her again soon but who knows.
Well, that's all for now, I'll try to get some pictures of these things up soon. I always end up writing these things during breaks at work though and I never have my pictures here, lol.
Monday, June 27, 2011
All about the wedding
Ok so this is basically going to be a lot of photos with me chipping in every now and again with a comment. :)
This is one of my favorite pictures. We're not even looking at the camera but I just love it. And I love that it's black and white too. Everyone that came is in this picture I believe. Or at least most of the people. It was quite a group.
Us with my family.
Us with Kyle's family. There are more extended family in this one than just his immediate family but I wanted to be sure his neices and nephews were in the picture that I put up. I became and instant aunt of 5 kids. (Now there's 6 since Julia and Mike had their baby girl, Mckay)
Good temple shot.
Smiling back at everyone.
I though this was a pretty cool shot of the temple window. I totally was afraid I was going to fall off though. It was so hot and my dress was so heavy lol.
Us with a view.
Another favorite. I think Kyle looks so handsome in his tux. :)
Rockin' the black and white.
Our awesome cup cake cake. :) I love how this turned out and it tasted so yummy! :)
These are what we're going to make all of our thank yous from. We're doing it post card style.
Cutting our cake. We were both nice.
Dancing with my daddy.
Dancing with Kyle.
Well that's all for now. Hopefully I'll be able to keep on top of posting. I'll try and get some Jamaica pictures from our honeymoon up here soon. Until then.
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