Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Catch up

Ok, so this is basically just gonna be me catching everyone up on our life - sorry, no pictures (unless I add them later.)

Since we got married, my sister Julia had her baby girl - they named her Mckay and she's the cutest thing you've ever seen. :) I really need to get a picture of her up here. I will try. She is just over 2 months old now and is smiling. :) Actually I do have a picture I can put on here - this was taken yesterday when we had friends stop by on their way through town.

This was at sandridge park. Left to right we have Janiel and her 3 month-old baby Jackson, then my sister Julia and 2 month-old Mckay, then my friend Kaylynn and her 1 month-old baby Brenda and then me. Kaylynn and Janiel are sisters and both of our families practically grew up together. Janiel lives in Fort Collins, Colorado and Kaylynn in Whitier, California so I don't get to see them often. In these picture though, I totally felt like I was the odd one out, LOL. Kyle and I aren't planning on having kids for a while longer though, although I did tease him about it :).

Ok, we've also been camping and four wheeling a couple of times this summer. One time we went four wheeling with my mom and dad and Heather and we borrowed Kyle's parents' four wheelers. Kyle scared the crap out of me cause he rolled his four wheeler in the parking lot before we even started lol. He was ok and so was the bike, luckily. It was a fun trip.

We've also been trying to decorate the house and do a bunch of stuff to our yard. We took out a bunch of big rocks on the north side of our house a while back cause we didn't want them there - they were really randomly placed anyways. So, we took out the rocks and leveled the ground but then we've had a big old dirt spot in our front yard because we didn't have any sod to put over it. We also took a bunch of ugly orange rocks out of the front flower beds - we still need to get some dirt though to fill in the flower beds though because they are sloped towards the house which isn't good.

Our latest big project was removing the sod from the backyard where we are planning on putting our garden - we won't be able to plant anything this year but we're getting it all ready for next spring. I'll put some pictures up in the next post. We were able to fill in our dirt spot in the front yard though with some of the sod from the backyard. Yay! Now we just have to keep it watered and hope it makes a good comeback. Loading all the extra sod into the truck bed was no fun. It was hard work. Unloading it was so much easier - geezzz. lol.

Ok, well, I'm sure there's more.....Oh!! My good friend Camille Kalkman came back from her mission the end of July so we got to go to Boise, Idaho for her homecoming. I really missed that girl and I was super happy to see her. :) I hope I'll get to see her again soon but who knows.

Well, that's all for now, I'll try to get some pictures of these things up soon. I always end up writing these things during breaks at work though and I never have my pictures here, lol.


  1. it's about time you give us an update! ;) i'm so glad things are going well for you two!! I miss you tons lady!! LOVE YA

  2. Miss you too! I am gonna try harder to keep this thing updated - I just need to be more disciplined lol. I hope things are going well! Love ya lots! :)
