I love Flaming Gorge. I don't get to go every year for one reason or another and when I do we usually go in July, around the 24th. This year, however, we went on Memorial Day weekend! I turned out that it was just my Uncle Danny's family, my mom and dad and Heather and Josh and then Kyle and I. It was REALLY windy the whole time we were up there too but it was still so much fun :)
This is my dad's little beater boat. Actually, a long time ago, it used to be Uncle Danny's, LOL. Anyways, my Dad still gets it to run so that's good. You can't put more than 4 people in it - it gets really bogged down otherwise. Its a fun little fishing boat though. Even though you don't want to be on the water when it's stormy - which we were, yikes!
We went on the Dam tour because Kyle hadn't ever been on it, plus it's free and it was something to do when it was cold and windy. Kyle wasn't that impressed with it though, hahaha.
He did almost have his hat go over the edge though. It is a LONG way down. (He doesn't like heights so it made him slightly nervous)
This is at the bottom. I was trying to get the fish below in the photo but it didn't turn out, bummer. The fish are seriously huge though. I can't imagine they take very good though, being fed on fish food all the time.

Um, I forgot to turn this one.....ooops ;D
Here's my Daddy with a good view of the Dam behind him.
And here's my honey, staring at the water and daring those fishies to take a bite of his lure, heeheehee.
This is us looking super freezing because we had to jump in the water to help get the boat off the water on a particularly rough day.
I love camping! I'm so glad we've got a few fun trips planned for this summer. I love being with my family and having fun.
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